For purposes of this hopstep General Terms of Service for Candidates, all references to “you” or “your” shall mean you, the individual or organization accessing this Site in your capacity as a Candidate. As a Candidate, you are permitted to use hopstep’s Site and its content solely for non-commercial purposes.
1. Jobs
(a) hopstep may make available through advertising, employment opportunities and other job-related content, (“Jobs”), through hopstep’s search results or otherwise through the Site. Searching for Jobs on hopstep is free for Candidates.
(b) hopstep displays Jobs based on a combination of compensation paid by Providers to hopstep and relevance, such as search terms, and other information provided, and activities conducted on hopstep.
(c) While hopstep is compensated by Providers who post Jobs, helping keep hopstep advertisement free for Candidates, all Jobs are considered advertising.
(d) Jobs are created and provided by third parties over whom hopstep exercises no control; you acknowledge and understand that hopstep has no control over the content of Jobs, links to or from Jobs, or any conditions third parties might impose once a Candidate has submitted an application or left the Site.
(e) If you leave the hopstep Site and choose to enter a third-party website, you accept any terms and conditions imposed by that third-party.
(f) hopstep has no obligation to screen any Jobs, or to include any Jobs, in its search results or other listings, and may exclude or remove any Jobs from the Site or your search result without any obligation to provide reasoning for removal or exclusion.
(g) You understand and agree that hopstep has no obligation to present you with any or all Jobs. We cannot confirm the accuracy or completeness of any Job Ad or other information submitted by any Provider or other user, including the identity of such Provider or other user. hopstep assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability for the content, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability, or availability of any Jobs, or other information submitted by any Provider or other user.
(h) When you initiate a job application on a website operated by a Provider or its applicant tracking system, hopstep may collect certain information about you and any actions taken by you during your visit using automated means, such as via Application Programming Interfaces (API), cookies and web beacons.
(i) The information collected includes, for example, information about Jobs you viewed and job applications you started and completed. A Provider who uses tracker functionality is required under this Agreement to provide any notice, and obtain any prior consent, that may be required by applicable law. However, you acknowledge and agree that hopstep has no control over such a Provider or its website. You agree to hopstep’s use of, and receipt of information from, any such tracker functionality.
(j) hopstep may provide independent functionality to assist you. For example, hopstep may provide search options to help you narrow down Jobs search results by job type categories (i.e., full-time, part-time, etc.), and such categories are created independently and entirely by hopstep and may not directly or accurately reflect the content of the Jobs.
(k) The placement of a Job on a dedicated page or website is not a representation regarding the nature of the role for legal purposes (for example gig economy postings are not necessarily limited to contractor status jobs and may also include engagements for employment relationships) or a representation regarding the attributes of a Provider.
(l) hopstep does not guarantee that applying to jobs through a dedicated page or website will lead to a better job application experience, a job interview, or a job offer. The dedicated pages or website do not contain an exhaustive list of Jobs, and no inferences can be drawn with respect to Jobs or Providers that are not displayed on dedicated pages.
2. Resume and Profile
(a) By creating a searchable resume through the Site (“hopstep Resume”) or uploading your Resume on the Site (collectively, “your Resume” or “Candidate Resume”), you are requesting and authorizing hopstep to make available.
(b) Your Resume is only available to Providers you have connected with on our Site. We offer you the option to make your Resume searchable on hopstep to help you find a job. You are responsible for keeping your Resume accurate and up to date.
(c) If you and a Provider are a match, then the Provider will have the ability to download your Resume and use it in the ordinary course of recruitment.
(d) When you provide your Resume on hopstep, your Resume is set to searchable on hopstep (“Searchable”) by default. If you do not want hopstep to make available your Resume to third parties or if you do not want Providers to contact you, set your hopstep Resume and uploaded your Resume to not searchable on hopstep (“Not Searchable”). Resumes that are not searchable on hopstep are only made available to those to whom the Candidate has submitted an application, connected with, or provided their resume.
(e) Applying to jobs or otherwise sharing your Resume with Providers may result in your Resume being copied and published even if it is set to Not Searchable. While you may change your Profile privacy settings at any time, setting your Profile to Not Searchable will not affect your previous applications or prevent Providers you responded to from contacting you. Profiles set to Searchable, including yours, can be copied by search engines and other third parties accessing the Site, who can then make those Resumes publicly available elsewhere.
(f) If your Resume is copied in this manner, then setting it to Not Searchable on hopstep will not affect those third parties or the copies they have made of your Resume. Changes to your Resume on the Site may or may not be reflected on copies made by third parties.
(g) If you do not want your Resume to ever be publicly visible or copyable, you must keep it set to Not Searchable. hopstep assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for your Resume or application information that you share with Providers or otherwise make public.
(h) By creating a hopstep Resume or uploading your Resume on hopstep, hopstep may share with you Jobs that match the contents of your Resume.
(i) Even where hopstep shares a Job Ad with you, hopstep assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability for the content, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability, or availability of Jobs or highlights.
(j) By uploading a Your Resume on the Site, you agree that hopstep may convert Your Resume to a different file type. It is your responsibility to review Your Resume to ensure that the content appears as you intend, and that it contains the right information or any information you intend to include or update. If you see any inaccuracy in any such material, it is your responsibility to correct such information or to contact hopstep to do so. It may take a few days for updates to your account or your Resume to be reflected. hopstep assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability for your Resume or other application information you post, send, or receive through the Site.
(k) If you have a hopstep account, a hopstep Resume, or an uploaded Resume, you agree that hopstep may associate your Resume data with your profile on hopstep (“hopstep Profile”). Your hopstep Profile consists of information you provide on the Site in the “Profile” section of your account. This includes your hopstep Resume and any information that you choose to include, such as your desired job title, job types, work schedule, whether you are ready to work, or pay. Information in your hopstep Profile, except as otherwise indicated on the Site, may be available to third parties, such as Providers.
(l) If you do not want hopstep to make your hopstep Profile available to third parties or if you do not want Providers to contact you, set your hopstep Resume and uploaded your Resume to Not Searchable or remove your Resume. You can enable the ready to work feature on your profile to let Providers know that you can start work immediately. hopstep may disable that feature from your profile after a certain time, but you can manually enable it again.
3. Applying to Jobs Through hopstep
(a) Any resume or application information that you submit through the Site, including Personal Data included in a resume, application or responses to screener questions and assessments (“hopstep Apply”), is subject to this Agreement and to hopstep’s Privacy Policy.
(b) You acknowledge that prior to submitting an application through hopstep Apply, you are responsible for reviewing and confirming that you are applying to your desired Provider. Once you provide information to a Provider (whether in the form of a job application, resume, email, interview material or otherwise), hopstep does not have control over the Provider’s use or disclosure of that information. If you want to request the Provider delete, modify, or maintain confidence over any such information, you must make such a request directly to the Provider.
(c) Unsubscribing from calls from Providers through hopstep does not apply to interviews you have already scheduled. If you require alternative methods for applying, you must approach the Provider directly to request such alternative method, as hopstep is not responsible for the Provider application process.
(d) When you ask hopstep to submit your application or other information through hopstep Apply, you are sending Your Resume and application information to hopstep, and you are requesting and authorizing hopstep to make available such application information to the applicable Provider(s) for the indicated Job Listing(s).
(e) You further agree to hopstep’s performance of automated processing in relation to your application, as such processing is an essential part of this Agreement. When you ask hopstep to transmit an application or a message, including, but not limited to, a signed offer letter, to a Provider via hopstep Apply or hopstep’s relay system, or store such application, you understand that this is without warranty, and that hopstep reserves the right to reformat such application or message.
(f) Additionally, you consent to your application and any responses sent to you by the Provider (including offer letters) through hopstep being processed and analysed by hopstep according to this Agreement and hopstep’s Privacy Policy.
(g) When you apply to a job using the Site, hopstep will attempt to send your application to the contact information provided to us by a Provider or their Agent, which may include sending your application to an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) or other service provider selected by the Provider.
(h) You agree that Providers can enable such service providers to access and manage their hopstep accounts, including by connecting to and integrating with APIs provided or used by hopstep. By applying for a job through hopstep, you agree to Provider’s use of such service providers, and acknowledge that such use may involve an intermediary’s access to job applications sent to its Provider client.
(i) We cannot guarantee that such messages and applications will be delivered, received, accessed, read, or acted upon. hopstep also does not guarantee that any Provider will receive, be notified about, access, read or respond to any such resume or other application material, or that there will be no mistakes in the transmission or storage of the data.
(j) hopstep depends on the Provider or the Provider’s agent to provide hopstep with the correct destination for all applications, and we cannot vouch for the validity of the contact information provided to us by Providers. If the electronic destination provided to hopstep is incorrect, your application materials will not be sent to the intended recipient of the application. Further, hopstep does not guarantee that the interface will be error-free. However, hopstep may alert you when any of the above events occur.
(k) Please note that Jobs may expire between the time you submit your application and from the time it is received. hopstep has no responsibility for expired Jobs or for delivering applications prior to a Job Ad’s expiration, and hopstep and its third-party providers may store your application and related information regardless of whether a Job Listing has been closed or is no longer available on the Site. We also cannot vouch for the technical capabilities of any third-party sites, including but not limited to ATSs.
(l) Third party sites, including ATSs used by Providers, may disclaim liability for technical malfunctions, including the failure in the delivery of applications. We are not responsible if an ATS rejects or fails to deliver an application to a Provider for any reason. If you do not feel comfortable sending an application or messages in this manner, or having your application or messages stored by hopstep on hopstep’s or third-party providers’ servers, do not use the Site or hopstep relay functions and please send your application or messages directly to the Provider by whatever other method you so choose, including the public mail system. You may contact the Provider directly to find alternative methods of application if you do not wish to apply through hopstep. By using the Site, you fully consent to the above.
(m) By using hopstep, you agree that hopstep is not responsible for the content of the Provider’s job application, messages, screener questions, skills assessments or their format or method of delivery, and that hopstep does not guarantee receipt of your application by the Provider, or your receipt of messages from the Provider.
(n) Please note that hopstep does not choose the questions asked by Providers or decide the job qualification criteria of Providers. You must contact the Provider if you require alternative methods of screening. Some questions may be labelled as Optional, indicating only that the application may be submitted to the Provider without providing an answer.
(o) hopstep cannot guarantee that the Provider will consider such an application or make a particular determination regarding such an application. hopstep does not guarantee the identity of a Provider or any individuals working for any Providers, and cautions Candidates when applying to jobs.
(p) hopstep cannot make any guarantee regarding health and safety measures in a Provider’s hiring or interviewing process. hopstep recommends Candidates follow personal health and safety best practices as recommended by the World Health Organization or similar institution.
(q) hopstep does not guarantee the validity of a job offer and cautions Candidates to verify the validity of a job offer before taking an adverse action regarding their current employment situations. Candidates are solely responsible for verifying the accuracy of any Provider or job offer.
(r) When you search for jobs on the hopstep Job Search app and proceed to apply for a job, including jobs on third party sites, hopstep may suggest information from your hopstep profile to include in your application. It is your responsibility to review suggestions before accepting them and including them on your application.
(s) You acknowledge that as part of its efforts to combat fraud and spam, hopstep may require that users verify their email address. When you apply to a job through hopstep, you agree that you may be required to verify your email address, and that failure to verify may lead to your application being rejected.
4. Job Matching and Recommended Jobs
(a) Job matches are recommendations which may be presented to both you as a Candidate and to Providers in various formats on the Site. For example, hopstep may recommend Jobs which are similar to jobs to which you recently applied or recommend Resumes to Providers which match Jobs they post.
(b) To generate matches, hopstep uses data collected through our Site from both Providers and Candidates. This includes Jobs, Your Resume, your application materials (including responses to screener questions), and your activity on hopstep (such as searches you run and Jobs you click on and apply to). You agree and consent that hopstep may use this information to present potential matches to you and to potential Providers.
5. Communications and Other Actions on the Site
(a) When you view, send, store or receive communications or materials (including Jobs, resumes, messages, applications, questions and responses in applications, and any other information) on or through the Site, you agree to your communication and materials being processed, analysed, reviewed, and stored, including via automated means, for data analysis, quality control, enforcement of the Sites’ rules and other hopstep policies, content moderation, and to improve the Site or any other hopstep product or service whether via automated means or otherwise.
(b) When a Provider views, sends, stores, or receives communications or materials through or using the Site, hopstep may inform you about such actions. Additionally, we may also inform you that a Provider has taken other actions with regards to a Job Ad, your Resume, or your application, such as pausing or closing a Job Ad, opening your Resume or application, viewing your Resume or application, responding to your Resume or application, and making a decision with regards to your application or Job Ad.
(c) hopstep may inform the Provider about activities you take on the Site or your use of the Site, for example, whether you are online, recently active, or active on hopstep, and you hereby consent to hopstep taking such actions. As part of this functionality, you may receive messages, including but not limited to text messages, emails or email notifications corresponding with your or a Provider’s (in the event you applied for a job) activity on or use of the Site, hopstep Apply, or any other communications service, product, or feature provided on or through the Site.
(d) In all cases, such messages or notifications are provided solely as a courtesy, and you should not rely on them. For example, if you accept an interview request, it is your responsibility to follow up with the Provider separately to ensure they know your response, do not rely on notifications through hopstep.
(e) hopstep disclaims all warranties with regards to the transmission or storage of such courtesy notices, does not guarantee their delivery or receipt, and does not guarantee the date or time at which they may be sent. In the event a message being sent is intended for a closed account, these messages will not be deliverable.
(f) hopstep may offer you the opportunity to receive a text message interview reminder from hopstep when a Provider has scheduled interviews with you. In such an event you will enter your phone number on the hopstep consent form and by entering your phone number you are representing and confirming it is your phone number and that you have the right to accept text messages at the number.
6. Virtual Communications
(a) Providers may offer you the opportunity to participate in virtual, pre-recorded, and remote communications using hopstep products, including but not limited to, hopstep Interview, hopstep Hiring Platform, Virtual Evaluations, phone interviews, virtual meetings, and video interviews (“Virtual Interviews”).
(b) You understand that hopstep is not a telecommunications service provider and that hopstep is only providing the option for you to communicate with Providers via services that may be offered by third-party providers.
(c) Please note that since these telecommunication services may depend on the functionality of third-party providers, there may be technical delays or malfunctions on the part of those providers.
(d) We cannot vouch for the technical capabilities of any third parties to receive, transmit, or support such phone or video communications. hopstep does not guarantee any aspect of your Virtual Interview experience including transmission of phone or video communications, quality of audio/visual content, data security, or data usage and restrictions. hopstep is not liable for any claims arising out of your use of Virtual Interviews and you release hopstep from any such claims.
(e) You understand that hopstep does not guarantee the Provider’s schedule or availability for conducting Virtual Interviews and cannot vouch for the validity of the contact information provided to us. You also understand that the Provider is responsible for any and all questions, comments, or hiring decisions made. Further, Providers are responsible for any accommodations you need during Virtual Interviews.
(f) Virtual Interviews May be Recorded: You understand that a Provider may enable the recording of a Virtual Interview, or you may be given the option to pre-record an interview to provide to the Provider. You agree to respect any notification (visual, audio, or otherwise) which may indicate that recording is enabled by or on behalf of a Provider on Virtual Interview. If you do not agree to be recorded, you must refrain from pre-recording an interview or you must immediately leave the Virtual Interview.
(g) By using Virtual Interviews, you agree that the Virtual Interview may be recorded and that hopstep and third-party providers can store, access, and analyse the recording. Also, you agree that a Provider that receives pre-recorded interviews or activates the recording function, can access, store, use, analyse, and share the recording, and that this activity is outside of hopstep’s control.

7. Screening Tools
(a) hopstep may make screening tools available to Providers for Provider use in the application process, including screener questions, phone screen tools and assessments. hopstep is licensing these tools for Providers’ use as determined by Providers.
(b) As a Candidate you agree that the Provider has made the determination to use these tools as part of its application process, and the questions asked are solely determined by the Provider and are not being asked by hopstep.
(c) The Provider is the sole party to determine which answers will qualify a candidate and is solely responsible for the use of the screening tool including any results which are considered to have a “disparate impact”.
(d) hopstep does not act as an employment agency by offering screening tools. By using screening tools, you acknowledge and agree that hopstep is not procuring employees for Providers or procuring opportunities to work for Candidates. hopstep merely provides a tool enabling Providers and Candidates to exchange information as they determine.
(e) The sole responsibility for the content of any screening tools, any requests for interviews or offers made, any issues arising from an acceptance or denial of employment, and any other issues arising from the use of screening tools, is solely with Providers or Candidates as applicable.
8. Salary and Other Information Provided by hopstep
(a) hopstep may provide salary and other information and content to users for informational purposes only. For example, hopstep may provide you with data regarding estimated salaries for a given Job Listing, number of applies to a Job Listing, responses to certain screener questions for a Job Listing, or the likelihood that a particular event will occur such as being selected for an interview.
(b) This information provided by hopstep is based on estimates given for informational purposes only and without warranty and is subject to change or varying levels of accuracy.
(c) Please note that all salary figures displayed on hopstep are approximations based upon multiple third-party submissions to hopstep, including from hopstep affiliates. These figures are given to hopstep users for the purpose of generalized comparison only. Minimum wage may differ by jurisdiction, and you should consult the Provider for actual salary figures.
(d) hopstep may also display publicly available information about Providers on Company Pages. Information on Company Pages is presented for informational and promotional purposes only, is subject to change, and may be gathered from or generated by third parties.
(e) hopstep assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability for the content, accuracy including the translation of any user generated content which is translated using Google Translate API, completeness, legality, reliability, or availability of any Company Page. Please contact the Provider for the most accurate and up-to-date company information.
9. Your Candidate Data
(a) As a Candidate, you take a variety of actions on our Site, and you provide various information. For example, you search for jobs, and hopstep knows and stores the titles of jobs you search for and click on, where those jobs are located, the general salary range or experience level of the jobs you view (if indicated on the Jobs), the Jobs you apply to, your amount of activity or time of most recent activity on hopstep, and any other information you provide directly to hopstep including desired salary, past experience, any information in your hopstep Profile, and any of your other behaviour on the Site.
(b) You know exactly what this data is because you are the person who provided the information or undertook the activity, and the data pertains only to your activity. By using hopstep, you acknowledge and agree that hopstep collects, records, processes, analyses, and stores any and all information you provide and activities you take on the Site, and any and all interactions and communications you have with, on, or through the Site.
(c) When you initiate a job application on a website operated by a Provider or its applicant tracking system, hopstep may collect certain information about you and any actions taken by you during your visit using automated means, such as via API, cookies, and web beacons.
(d) The information collected includes, for example, information about Jobs you viewed and job applications you started and completed. A Provider who provides tracker functionality is required under this Agreement to provide any notice, and obtain any prior consent, that may be required by applicable law. However, you acknowledge and agree that hopstep has no control over such a Provider or its website. You agree to hopstep’s use of, and receipt of information from, any such tracker functionality.
(e) If you have an hopstep account or a Candidate Resume, you agree that hopstep may associate this data with your hopstep Profile and use this observed factual data to suggest jobs to you and to suggest you or your Searchable resume to Providers that might be interested in a person who matches your behaviour on hopstep.
(f) You also agree that hopstep may contact you based on this observed behaviour or provided info on behalf of Providers or hopstep itself. Please note, the aforementioned actions do not include information sent to you by a third party, however, hopstep may publicly display the fact that you have recently used the hopstep Site to correspond with a third party.
(g) In addition, if you set Your Resume to Searchable, this means that hopstep may share all the aforementioned information about yourself with third-party Providers. If you do not wish to share such information, you may set Your Resume to Not Searchable. When you make changes to your hopstep Profile, including, but not limited to, updating, deleting, or changing settings on Your Resume, it may take a few days for the changes to be reflected.
(h) If you do not want your Demographic Information to be used in this way, do not provide it to hopstep (or, if you have already provided your Demographic Information to hopstep, you can request it be removed). You further acknowledge and agree that another Candidate’s Demographic Information is personal information, and to the extent permitted by law you waive any right to request or view Demographic Information pertaining to any other Candidate.
(i) Please note that hopstep may be required to comply with legal obligations or governmental requests or to establish or exercise its legal rights or defend against legal claims. This means, for example, that hopstep may receive legal process from courts or law enforcement to reveal user data, including demographic data.
10. Candidate Conduct
(a) By accessing and using this website, you agree to conduct yourself in a respectful and lawful manner. You shall not engage in any activities that are harmful, offensive, or disruptive to other users, or that violate any applicable laws or regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, refraining from:
(b) Impersonating any individual, company, or entity, or engaging in any fraudulent or deceptive activities.
(c) Violating the privacy of other users or collecting their information without their consent.
(d) Intentionally spreading viruses, malware, or engaging in any hacking or unauthorised access to the website’s systems.
(e) Posting, transmitting, or sharing any content that is defamatory, obscene, threatening, or infringing upon intellectual property rights.
(f) Interfering with the proper functioning of the website or its services, including engaging in excessive automated requests or spamming.
(g) Engaging in any activity that promotes or incites discrimination, harassment, or violence based on race, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic.
(h) Violation of this conduct clause may result in the termination of your access to the website and potential consequences. The website reserves the right to take appropriate action, including reporting any unlawful activities to the relevant authorities.
(i) By continuing to use this website, you acknowledge and agree to abide by their conduct guidelines and understand that your conduct may be monitored by the website administrators.
10. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
(a) This Agreement and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or related in any way to the Site (“Dispute”) will be governed as to all matters, including, but not limited to the validity, construction, and performance of this Agreement, by and under the laws of Victoria.